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Natural Pillow Spray

Natural pillow spray

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Natural pillow sprays are intended to help you relax and prepare for sleep. The soothing scents of the natural ingredients can have a calming effect on the mind and body, promoting a sense of relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety. This can contribute to a better sleep experience and potentially improve sleep quality.



Aromatherapy Benefits: Aromatherapy is the practice of using scents and essential oils to improve well-being. Natural pillow sprays often incorporate aromatherapy principles by harnessing the power of specific scents to evoke relaxation and sleepiness. For example, lavender is widely known for its calming properties, while chamomile can help reduce tension and promote tranquility.



Application: Shake bottle, spray pillows and bedding or surrounding area of sleep before


ingredients: Lavender essential oil, Roman Camomile, Bergamot Essential oil, Vanilla Extract 

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